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I want to be able to change the sku number created by Pinogy.
The quickbutton order function does not work correctly currently, it just moves the button to the bottom of the list, and the...
I called regarding being able to scan product that expires, and have it logged in a food waste log. I would like to scan items...
Add the option to create and use promo codes in the POS which can also be used on Ecommerce sites.
With tax exempt customers when we redeem a free item on a frequent buyers are getting charged tax on the free item. Help.
We are having to manually track this in an Excel spreadsheet, and check every product quarterly. If it were tracked in Pinogy,...
On the Invoice Payments Report, if we can add 'Locations' to the report.
Please add MSRP,MSP, and MAP to coulmn selection for viewing and Export! This would be very helpful to verify current numbers...
Can we have the chip # show and not just the ID#? This makes it a lot easier to identify the right pet with the picture you are...
We are running into some issues with our Promo (automatic discounts) stacking. Both promo discounts stacking with each other...