BOGO Promotion Option

Jeremy Kidd

Can the promotions have a Buy one, get one option?


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Germantown Pet Vault

Is this still in the works?


Nicholas Cook

Yes it is. We are still working on making the results of a BOGO in conjunction with all other promotion types 100% consistent. Once all possible combinations have been tested successful, then the BOGO promotion type will be released.


Danny Offenbacher

We also need the ability to offer BOGO sales (or B2G1, or another variation) that are across items/categories. An example is buy a 26oz bag of Fromm treats, get a 6oz bag for free. The current promo options do not support cross-item offerings, and there isn't a workaround to this. Can this be prioritized?

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Jennifer Marshall

Any timeframe on this? There are so many times I have wanted to run a BOGO promotion and can't, and there is no way to create a promotion that crosses multiple items or categories.

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Nicholas Cook

Status changed to: Planned