I am trying to properly track Bonus Bucks liability and am not seeing a way to run any reports on how many bonus bucks have been earned or how many have expired.
28-12-2022 -
Newest / Oldest
Nicholas Cook
Status changed to:
Nicholas Cook
If you log into loyalty.pinogy.com, under Reports you will see a monthly report called "Bonus Bucks Report" along with the date range it is for. Opening this report shows on the Balance Summary worksheet the number and amount of Bonus Bucks Redeemed, Earned, Expired, and Outstanding for each month.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Nicholas Cook
Status changed to: Live
Nicholas Cook
If you log into loyalty.pinogy.com, under Reports you will see a monthly report called "Bonus Bucks Report" along with the date range it is for. Opening this report shows on the Balance Summary worksheet the number and amount of Bonus Bucks Redeemed, Earned, Expired, and Outstanding for each month.
Nicholas Cook
Status changed to: In progress