I want to be able to change the sku number created by Pinogy.
04-03-2024 -
Newest / Oldest
Nicholas Cook
Status changed to:
Nicholas Cook
The SKU is a permanent non changeable number used to ensure a single consistent reference to any product.
As an alternative, you are able to add additional barcodes with almost any value that you want to any product. This allows you to add "SG" for instance as a barcode on "Self Grooming" product that can then be used throughout the system.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Nicholas Cook
Status changed to: Closed
Nicholas Cook
The SKU is a permanent non changeable number used to ensure a single consistent reference to any product.
As an alternative, you are able to add additional barcodes with almost any value that you want to any product. This allows you to add "SG" for instance as a barcode on "Self Grooming" product that can then be used throughout the system.